Monday, June 25, 2012

Welcome to my Blog.
 I have taken up running again after a break of 30 years and for those who may be interested in athletics I will be posting my progress once or twice a week.
 In October 2010 while watching my Son run in the Fremantle half Marathon I began to wonder the possibilities of running again. Could I run competitively once again? as I did as a Club Athlete all those years ago. Unfortunately I kept talking myself out of it so it has taken 18 months to pluck up the courage and do it. One of the reasons for my reluctance was the fact that around 12 years ago I had a back injury which left me unable to walk or stand for more than a minute or two at a time, slowly the nerve damage healed and I regained normal movement even though cold weather does make the back twinge a little.
 As I'm on the wrong side of sixty I had a medical check up before I commenced training.
  My training at the start was walking! Yes, two years of retirement had left me feeling torpid and so I thought a few weeks of brisk walking would lay the foundations for a sound fitness regime.On top of this I reduced my alcohol intake from around 10 standard drinks a week to as few as 2 now and boy do I feel better for it!
 The first run was ACTUALLY a stagger! brisk walking with the odd 50 metre jog. I was in my third week of this when my Son suggested I run in a WA Marathon Club event over 5 kilometres. I was extremely nervous but did it with a time of 29.57 Not exactly world class but considering the preparation I was quite happy.
 A week or two later at the end of May we had the HBF run for a reason over 4 kilometres where I finished in the top 19% with well over 7 thousand in that race it was a struggle trying to get past the folk actually running slower than me! My time for that was 23.59.
 In a couple of days I will write about my training, how I've progressed and the level that I am up to now.
 cheers, Michael