A couple of days after my last write up I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, a probable consequence my Surgeon tells me of inhaling paint fumes over a prolonged period. For a professional Painter to some extent this is unavoidable. A few days after the ultrasound that confirmed the worst I was checked into The Mount Hospital for an operation to remove the tumour. This has been done and now three weeks later I am allowed to train once more. Results from a biopsy at the end of August and any other follow up treatment aside, I am back to running. Although it has to be said with such a long break I'll have to practically start again! Yesterday I fast walked for 6 kilometres, with the occasional 150 metre jog.....it's going to be a few weeks to get back to where I left off, fitness wise.
This has been a bit of a shock for me and my Family but I still have the tenacity to carry on to my original goal and that is to discover over the coming months and years how close I can get to my (average) race times of 35 years ago when I was in my twenties. Tomorrow I'm hoping to don my running gear for a more serious workout, we shall see what happens. Another blog post coming your way mid week!
Stay safe.